Shimla – Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur has raised serious concerns over the state government’s decision to close schools in rural areas while spending crores on building new offices for ministers. Thakur criticized the government for its apparent disregard for education, which he believes should be a priority.

In a statement issued from Shimla, Thakur highlighted the plight of the residents of Lahaul, who have taken to the streets in protest against the school closures. He argued that instead of shutting down schools, the government should investigate the reasons for low enrollment and address the underlying issues.

“On one hand, the government claims there is no budget for schools, yet it is spending lavishly on offices for ministers and unconstitutional appointments of Chief Parliamentary Secretaries (CPS),” Thakur said. He emphasized that the government’s priorities seem skewed, with funds readily available for ministerial luxuries but not for essential services like education and healthcare.

Thakur also expressed concern for the children affected by the school closures, questioning how practical it is to shift them to distant schools. He urged the government to consider the difficulties these young students will face in commuting to their new schools.

Criticizing the Chief Minister’s approach to governance, Thakur remarked, “Governments in a democracy should take everyone along, but this administration seems to be focused on its own interests.” He called on the government to reconsider its decision, keeping in mind the students and their parents who are being negatively impacted.

Thakur advised the government to start making changes from within, stressing that the decision to close schools should be reversed to ensure that education remains accessible to all children in Himachal Pradesh.