Shimla – In a pioneering move to enhance health and safety education, Himachal Pradesh’s Health Minister Dr. (Colonel) Dhani Ram Shandil has announced the introduction of first aid training for school students. This announcement was made during the Himachal Pradesh State Red Cross Management Committee meeting, chaired by Dr. Shandil.

Under this initiative, students from 9th to 12th grades will be trained as first aid providers and inducted as volunteers in the State Red Cross Society. This program is the first in the state and aims to equip young students with essential life-saving skills.

Dr. Shandil highlighted that the students will receive comprehensive training in first aid techniques, including Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). “We are committed to empowering our youth with the knowledge and skills to act in emergency situations. Training camps will be organized across the state, and certificates will be awarded to students upon completion,” he said.

The initiative will not be limited to school students. College and university students will also be involved through the Youth Red Cross, ensuring a wider reach and impact. This campaign aims to create a robust network of trained first-aid providers across educational institutions in the state.

By integrating first aid training into the school curriculum, the program seeks to foster a more prepared and responsive generation.