Shimla – Public Works Department (PWD) Minister Vikramaditya Singh has assured the public that the department is fully prepared for the upcoming monsoon season. Speaking to the media in Shimla, Minister Singh emphasized that the PWD is ready to tackle any emergencies that may arise during the monsoon with a robust deployment of machinery and workforce.

In a detailed briefing, Minister Singh revealed that a total of 206 JCBs, 110 bulldozers, and 28 robo-machines have been strategically positioned at various locations across the state. These measures are aimed at ensuring swift and efficient commencement of rescue and relief operations during emergencies. Additionally, arrangements have been made for 17 Bailey bridges, and a workforce of 13,000 has been deployed to handle any exigencies.

Minister Singh also highlighted the PWD’s ongoing efforts to complete crucial infrastructure projects. In a recent review meeting focused on the construction works of hospitals, primary health centres (PHCs), and community health centres (CHCs) under the Health and Family Welfare Department, Singh directed officials to prioritize the completion of projects where 75 per cent of the work is already finished.

Singh instructed the department to prepare and prioritize lists of various projects across each Assembly constituency in the state, stressing the importance of adhering to the stipulated timelines for these projects. He emphasized that new construction contracts would not be awarded to contractors who have failed to satisfactorily complete at least two projects, similar to the standards set by the Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojana.

The Minister also pointed out the necessity of ensuring adequate budget provisions before commencing any construction work to prevent cost escalations. This measure is intended to promote financial efficiency and ensure the smooth progression of projects.