Shimla – Leader of the Opposition Jairam Thakur has raised serious concerns about the Sukhu government’s much-publicized startup scheme, questioning its efficacy and the benefits it has delivered to the youth of Himachal Pradesh. In a press statement issued from Shimla, Thakur criticized the Congress-led government for failing to fulfil its election promises regarding the startup fund.

During the election campaign, the Congress party had guaranteed a startup fund of Rs 680 crore, promising Rs 10 crore for the youth in every assembly constituency. This initiative was aimed at creating employment opportunities by supporting young entrepreneurs in setting up their ventures. However, Thakur pointed out that despite the formal launch of the scheme in November last year, there has been no tangible progress. The government announced the first phase with grand advertisements and hoardings, yet eight months later, no youth has benefited from the scheme.

Thakur criticized the government’s shift in focus from establishing production units to providing subsidies for electric vehicle purchases. He noted that thousands of youth applied for the subsidy, but no electric taxis have been purchased under the scheme. “Does it take so much time to buy an electric taxi?” Thakur questioned, accusing the government of lacking the intention to genuinely work for the state’s people.

Closure of Swavalamban Yojana

Adding to his criticisms, Thakur highlighted the closure of the Swavalamban Yojana, a scheme initiated by the previous BJP government. This program, which had seen a total investment of Rs 721 crore and provided a grant of Rs 200 crore, approved 4377 units and created employment for 11,674 people. According to Thakur, the discontinuation of this scheme due to political animosity has left many youths without support, further exacerbating unemployment in the state.

Thakur accused Chief Minister Sukhu of prioritizing the interests of his friends over the welfare of the youth. He alleged that instead of focusing on employment generation, the Chief Minister is preoccupied with securing his government’s stability and granting cabinet ranks to his allies.

Thakur demanded immediate action from the Sukhu government. “It has been more than one and a half years since the government was formed. Now, the Sukhu government should release the budget of the startup fund as soon as possible,” he asserted, urging the administration to honour its commitments and provide the promised financial assistance to young entrepreneurs.