Shimla — In a bid to enhance punctuality and streamline attendance tracking, the Himachal Pradesh Education Department has mandated the use of an online attendance system for government school teachers and students. The new directive requires attendance to be recorded via the Smart Attendance App, a measure set to revolutionize the state’s educational framework.

Following a successful pilot run in the Sunni Education Block of Shimla, the Smart Attendance App will now be implemented statewide. As students and teachers mark their attendance through the app, real-time data will be transferred directly to the Vidya Samiksha Kendra, a centralized monitoring hub.

This initiative, aiming to eliminate the late coming and absentees, will capture the time and location of attendance entries automatically. During May, the system will be introduced gradually, giving school in-charges a few days to adapt. Full implementation is scheduled for June, with comprehensive online attendance recording becoming mandatory.

The app requires teachers to register their attendance before logging in the attendance of their students. This dual process ensures that accurate, real-time data is collected. Any failure to comply with the new system will lead to disciplinary action against teachers, underscoring the department’s commitment to this digital transition.

The U-DICE portal, which already holds data for approximately 8 lakh students and over 80,000 teachers, will integrate this new system. Vidya Samiksha Centers, established in each district, will leverage this data to monitor attendance meticulously. The detailed records will include student names, schools, and class-specific information, providing a comprehensive overview for the education department.

This progressive step aligns with orders from the Union Education Ministry, reflecting a broader push towards digitization in educational administration. With the Smart Attendance App, Himachal Pradesh sets a precedent in educational management, aiming for enhanced accountability and improved educational outcomes across its schools.