Youth Grapple with Online Gaming Stress, Elderly Face Loneliness in Himachal

Himachal Pradesh is grappling with a silent epidemic as mental stress pervades every segment of society, from the youth to the elderly, with startling statistics indicating that one in every four individuals in the state is a victim. The latest figures from the Indian Council Medical Research (ICMR) paint a grim picture, highlighting the pervasive nature of mental health challenges across the region.

The youth and the elderly are particularly vulnerable, seeking solace in psychological counselling services amidst mounting concerns. Experts note that stress manifests differently across age groups, with contemporary pressures exacerbating the issue. While academic burdens were once a primary concern for youth, the rise of online gaming has emerged as a significant contributor to their mental strain.

The relentless pursuit of early success has ensnared many young individuals in a web of stress, leading to an alarming rise in hospital visits. For the elderly, the scourge of loneliness looms large, exacerbated by the tide of urbanization that has swept people away from their familial roots into isolated rural settings.

According to the ICMR report, while Himachal fares better compared to some states, the prevalence of mental stress is on an upward trajectory. Notably, Uttarakhand reports the highest incidence at 38.6%, followed closely by Sikkim at 31.9%. Despite ongoing efforts by health service centers and educational institutions to raise awareness and provide support, proactive measures are imperative to stem the rising tide of mental health cases.

Various factors contribute to stress, ranging from personal traumas to social isolation and chronic illnesses. The absence of a robust support network can exacerbate these stressors, leaving individuals vulnerable to mental health challenges.

Experts underscore the role of social media and substance abuse in exacerbating mental health issues. Expert emphasizes the importance of meaningful interpersonal connections, advocating for face-to-face communication over virtual interactions, and consistent follow-up and adherence to treatment plans in managing stress effectively.

As Himachal grapples with the multifaceted nature of mental health challenges, concerted efforts are needed to address the root causes and bolster support systems. By fostering a culture of open dialogue, empathy, and proactive intervention, the state can work towards alleviating the burden of mental stress and promoting holistic well-being among its populace.