15 to 20 bedded isolation facilities to be provided in each Medical College of Chamba, Hamirpur and Nahan
Shimla: Himachal Chief Minister directed to prepare a common strategy to provide proper treatment to the Covid-19 patients, especially with co-morbid illness.
The State CM, in a video conference meeting with Deputy Commissioners, Superintendents of Police, Chief Medical Officers, Principals and Medical Superintendents of Medical Colleges of the State from Shimla, expressed concern over the increase in number of deaths of Covid-19 patients during a last few day in the State.
He asked doctors to ensure proper treatment to the patients especially the patients with co-morbid illness. He asked to adopt proper protocol for home isolation for the asymptotic patients at home. He said
“it has been felt that such patients at home do not get proper treatment and care and such patients must be treated as per the standard operating procedure.”
The CM further directed to maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness in the Covid-19 hospitals.

Chief Minister said that patients must be provided Oxygen cylinders if required so that the patients do no face any problem. He said that senior doctors must daily visit the Covid-19 patients so that the patients get proper treatment. He directed Medical Superintendents of all the Medical Colleges and major Zonal Hospitals in the State to ensure atleast two rounds in a day to monitor all the facilities such as ward cleanliness, treatment to the patients, quality of food, and condition of toilets in their hospitals.
Jai Ram Thakur said that special thrust must be laid on ensuring better health facilities in IGMC Shimla, Dr RPMC, Tanda and LBSMC, Ner Chowk keeping in view the large number of Covid-19 patients in these medical colleges and hospitals. He said that proper strategy for Information Education and Communication (IEC) must be framed to motivate the patients with ILI symptoms to immediately rush to hospital without delay, so that they may be provided with immediate treatment. This would help in timely treatment of the patients, he added.
Chief Minister said that isolation wards in Chamba, Hamirpur and Nahan Medical Colleges would start functioning from tomorrow. He said that this would also reduce the referral cases to IGMC Shimla, Dr RPMC, Tanda and LBSMC, Ner Chowk. He said that 15 to 20 bedded isolation facilities would be provided in each of these medical colleges to facilitate the patients. He said that proper coordination between the administration and hospital authority must be maintained for proper functioning of the health institutions. He said that if required a separate nodal officer be appointed to ensure proper facilities and other arrangements for the Covid patients. He said that in cases of unfortunate death of any covid patients, steps must be taken for immediate handing over the body to the family.