Shimla: Aiming to improve the policing in the state, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur launched two systems for Himachal Pradesh Police viz. Police Station Visitor Survey System and e-Night Beat Checking System, here today.

Chief Minister hoped that Police Station Visitor Survey System and e-Night Beat Checking System would go a long way in improving the functioning of the Police Department as police personnel would be able to get proper feedback regarding their working and take necessary steps for improving their functioning.
He said that Police Station Visitor Survey System will be linked with official State police website. System would be used for the surveillance of visitors visiting the Police Stations, Police Posts and all other police units and would help in creating a database of visitors.
All the visitors/complainants visiting the Police Stations, Police Posts or traffic units would be requested to fill the survey link. The link would be shared by the police with the public through social and print media, Jan Manch meetings, Nasha Nivaran Samiti meetings, Community Policing Meetings, etc.
The Survey System would capture the information like district and its corresponding police stations and officer met by complainant in the police station, date and time of visit, purpose of visit, time spent in the police station/post etc. The System would also get information regarding the behaviour of the Police with the complainant.
A mechanism has also been included to trace the identity of persons filling fake feedback. All the SPs of the district, Range Headquarters and Police Headquarters would monitor the feedback being given by the public.
The Chief Minister also launched Night Beat Checking system for the Police Department. E-Night Checking system would be a password protected online website link which would be available with all the policemen on duty. Checking System would help the State Police to keep a track of the suspected vehicles and criminals who move in the night.
The e-Night Checking system would help the Police to maintain a database of all such suspects and this data will further help the police in its criminal investigation and corroborating with the footages of the CCTVs installed by the Police Department in the state.
The system would also have a provision in which Police will also be able to capture the photo of the suspects, photo of the identity cards/vehicle documents and upload in the database online. The main feature of the System was that it would automatically capture the date, time and GPS Location of the policeman on beat patrolling/night checking duty and thus would help in ensuring increased presence of police on the roads for better safety of the citizens.