According to data’s apple crop has recorded the lowest production in 12 years. About 1.22 crore standard boxes have been sent out of the state to various markets and the total output is not likely to touch 1.40 crore boxes, produced in 2009, and it will be the lowest since 1999 when the production came down to 98 lakh boxes. Although about 20,000 boxes are still being sent to the market daily, the total number will not cross 1.25 crore boxes. Thus, taking into account the local consumption, which is estimated at 10 per cent, the total production will be around 1.37 crore boxes.

However, the procurement of 5,639 tonnes of apple under the market intervention scheme (MIS) has been much better than 2009, when only 941 tonnes were procured. The extensive damage caused by hailstorm to fruit rendered the produce unmarketable and the growers had no option but to give it to government agencies.

Via: Tribuneindia