Reliance Power bags 5 hydel power projects of 672 mw capacity in Himachal Pradesh through competitive bidding conducted by the Directorate of Energy in that state. Bid was invite for the 10 power plants with an aggregate capacity of 1,283 mw.
Reliance Power got Purthi (300 mw), Sumte Kothang (130 mw) Lara Sumta (104 mw), Teling (94 mw) and Shangling (44 mw).
In January, the directorate had invited bids with a criteria of additional free power at uniform rate over and above minimum stipulated limit. The bids were opened on March 16.
Reliance Power offered 21% free power for 40 years to the Himachal government, helping it win five projects. The minimum criteria was set at 13% for the first 12 years, 19% for next 18 years and 31% for the balance 10 years. Other winners include a consortium of Tata Power and SN Power, which got a 236 mw project at Dugar, while AMG Shipyard and AMR Constructions have won a project each at Tandi (104 mw) and Tinget (81 mw), respectively.