PWD Minister Thakur Gulab Singh said that Rs 36.43 crore were being spent on improving riding quality, up gradation and tarring of National Highway 22 from Shimla to Kaksthal. Minister added that an amount of Rs 7.73 crore has been sanctioned for improving riding quality, tarring and up gradation of 18 kms Shimla-Dhalli by-pass and proposal worth Rs 3.35 crore for strengthening Kufri by-pass has been submitted before the Ministry of Surface Transport and Highways, Government of India. He said that budget provision of Rs 6.50 crore have been made for improvement of road from Gallu to Theog and Rs 8.50 crore have been earmarked for improvement of 16 kms road form Narkanda to Murthal. He said that an amount of Rs 7.97 crore have been spent on improvement and upgradation of 14 kms road from Murthal to Kingal.
For Kingal to Behra road government has allocated Rs 6.38 crore and acceptance letter to start work on this stretch has been issued. Minister said that maintenance work on Behra to Neogli road has been completed.
Public Works Minister said that similarly, work was in progress for widening the stretch between Chuabagh to Jakhri by spending an amount of Rs 3.15 crore besides tarring work have been completed from Jakhari to Rattanpur. He said that improvement work on road stretch from Jeouri to Chorah has been completed and Rs 3.67 crore work of tarring road stretch between Chorah to Bhabanagar has been awarded for execution. He said that tarring and improvement work have been completed between Bhabanagar to Sungra and work of tarring road length between Sungra to Kakstal would be completed soon.