Kullu: A devastating fire engulfed Tandi village in the Banjar valley of Kullu district, reducing around 20 wooden houses to ashes and leaving approximately 100 residents from 30 families homeless. The incident has caused an estimated loss of ₹5 crore, including the destruction of a deity’s storehouse.

The fire, which broke out during the day, spread rapidly as the village’s houses were primarily made of wood. Coupled with a cold wave sweeping through the valley, the blaze intensified, leaving residents with little time to salvage their belongings. Although no casualties have been reported, the harrowing sight of homes turning into heaps of ashes left children, adults, and the elderly in tears.

The chaos began as flames leapt from one house to another in quick succession. Villagers tried their best to control the fire, managing to save only livestock from the initial blaze. However, the lack of proper water arrangements in the area hampered firefighting efforts.

The Banjar fire department was alerted at 3:01 PM, and their team rushed to the site. Given the magnitude of the fire, additional firefighting vehicles were dispatched from Kullu, located 60 km away, and Larji, 30 km away. Despite their efforts, the flames had already consumed most of the village by the time reinforcements arrived.

The fire has left the affected families grappling with significant losses, as many could not save any belongings from their homes. The residents, overwhelmed by grief, are now facing the daunting task of rebuilding their lives amidst the ruins.