Shimla – BJP spokesperson Chetan Singh Bragta criticized the Congress-led Himachal Pradesh government, accusing it of breaking promises and failing to address rising inflation. Reacting to Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu’s recent appeal for affluent citizens to forgo subsidies, Bragta questioned the government’s track record in fulfilling pre-election commitments.
“During the BJP government, every family received 125 units of electricity free. The Congress, however, promised 300 units of free electricity to every household but has failed to deliver on this promise, betraying the public’s trust,” Bragta said.
Highlighting the impact of inflation, he pointed out that prices of essential commodities under the Public Distribution System (PDS) are steadily rising. “Petrol and diesel prices are skyrocketing, stamp paper costs have gone up, commercial electricity rates for traders have increased, and even fees for map approvals have surged,” he added.
Bragta accused the Congress government of burdening the common man while advising self-reliance. “Their policies are weakening the public instead of providing relief,” he said.
Calling on the Congress government to honour its commitments, Bragta emphasized the need for tangible action. “The Congress government should first fulfill its promise of 300 units of free electricity to the public instead of hurting their pockets. The people of Himachal need real relief, not hollow gestures,” he concluded.