Thakur Slams Proposal, Calls for Focus on Agricultural Research

Shimla – In a strong critique of the government’s latest proposal, Leader of the Opposition Jairam Thakur expressed his disapproval of the plan to establish a tourism village within the premises of Palampur Agricultural University. Thakur labelled the idea as “ridiculous” and argued that it diverts attention from the primary mission of agricultural universities, which is to conduct teaching, training, and research focused on agriculture.

Jairam Thakur emphasized the significant role that agricultural universities have played in making India self-reliant in food grain production. He urged the government to allow these institutions to continue their essential work without interference. “If the government wants to build a tourism village, that is welcome, but doing so within an institution created to enhance agricultural productivity is unfortunate,” Thakur stated.

The Leader of the Opposition highlighted the importance of land in agricultural research, noting that researchers require vast land areas for long-term studies. He pointed out that agrarian research institutes worldwide have ample land to conduct their work effectively. Thakur suggested that if the Chief Minister believes there is excess land at the Palampur Agricultural University, it should be utilized to establish new departments and research centers related to agriculture.

“The BJP cannot accept the government’s decision to construct a tourism village at Palampur Agricultural University. We will fight this move both on the streets and in the legislative assembly,” Thakur warned.

Thakur called on the government to focus on developing agricultural universities in a way that supports groundbreaking research, which he described as a “boon for humanity.” He stressed the need for the government to recognize the vital contribution of these institutions and to prioritize their expansion and enhancement over other ventures.