Shimla — Revenue Minister Jagat Singh Negi met with a delegation from the Joint Village Revenue Officers (Patwari and Kanungo) Association today to discuss their concerns regarding the conversion of their positions into a state cadre. Minister Negi assured the association that this change, aimed at maintaining uniformity, would not affect their seniority, promotion, or other benefits.

Minister Negi clarified that the decision to convert the district cadre of Patwaris and Kanungos into the state cadre was made to ensure uniformity without altering the existing recruitment and promotion rules. He emphasized that Patwaris and Kanungos would still have opportunities for promotion to higher positions such as Naib Tehsildar and Tehsildar. Additionally, this conversion will enable Patwaris and Kanungos posted in other districts to serve in their home districts, thus enhancing their work-life balance.

“The decision to convert the district cadre of Patwaris and Kanungos into the state cadre was made in the public interest,” Negi stated. He noted that the government received numerous representations from the people of the state, and the decision focuses on the welfare of the public at large.

Negi highlighted that most government services now fall under the state cadre, and the recent strike by Kanungos and Patwaris caused significant inconvenience to the public, delaying many revenue-related matters. He reiterated the government’s commitment to resolving issues promptly to prevent further inconvenience to the people.

In addition to addressing the cadre conversion, Minister Negi underscored the government’s dedication to the rights and development of state employees. He cited the reinstatement of the old pension scheme as an example of the government’s efforts to provide a dignified retired life and social security to employees.

Minister Negi assured the delegation that their genuine demands, including salary-related issues, would be considered on a priority basis. He emphasized the government’s commitment to balancing public welfare and the rights of state employees.