Shimla — The tarring of roads in Himachal Pradesh will undergo thorough scrutiny to ensure the quality and integrity of the work. An investigation team has been formed by the Public Works Department to monitor the process, and stringent measures will be enforced if any irregularities are detected.

The state government has set an ambitious target of tarring 2,000 kilometers of roads by August this year. To meet this goal without compromising quality, instructions have been issued for junior engineers to executive engineers to be present on-site during the tarring process. Any lapses in the quality of work will result in the confiscation of the contractors’ security deposits, and officials responsible for overseeing the work will face disciplinary action.

Public Works Minister Vikramaditya Singh emphasized the importance of maintaining high standards in road tarring projects. “The work of tarring roads is progressing rapidly across Himachal Pradesh. We aim to improve the connectivity between states, districts, and villages. If the weather remains favourable, we will be able to achieve and possibly exceed our target,” he stated.

This year, the relatively low snowfall and rainfall in Himachal Pradesh have led to less damage to roads in many districts. However, the higher altitude areas of Lahaul Spiti, Mandi, Kinnaur, Chamba, and Shimla have seen significant road damage due to harsher weather conditions. The current weather, with temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius, is considered ideal for tarring, providing an optimal window for the necessary repairs and new constructions.

Minister Singh has mandated that Public Works Department officials stay in the field to ensure the quality of work and prevent any negligence. “We are committed to delivering durable and safe roads to the public. Any negligence or substandard work will not be tolerated, and strict action will be taken against those responsible,” Singh added.