Vikramaditya is an arrogant and spoiled prince: Kangana

In a fervent election campaign speech delivered in Siraj today, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate from Mandi Lok Sabha constituency, Kangana Ranaut, launched a blistering attack on the Congress party. She accused the Congress of lacking both leadership and coherent policies, describing it as a party solely focused on “politics of appeasement and familyism.”

Ranaut, who participated in a dozen campaign programs throughout the day, expressed strong support for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration and its achievements over the past decade. She highlighted the significant progress the country has made, attributing this transformation to Modi’s leadership. “The country has been rejuvenated in the last decade, today every person of the country is progressing,” Ranaut declared. She emphasized that India has moved past a “dark chapter” and is now on a journey towards becoming a developed nation by the time of its 100th independence anniversary in 2047.

Praising Modi’s efforts, Ranaut said, “This is only because of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts.” She credited his leadership with overcoming major challenges such as Naxalism and terrorism. “Today, the country has emerged from big challenges like Naxalism and terrorism, where the Indian Army enters homes and kills, while the strong central government also strengthens the resolve to take back POK,” she stated.

Ranaut took aim at the opposition Indi alliance, accusing its leaders of making statements favorable to Pakistan and criticizing the Congress party for being a “party of loot and plunder.” She warned the electorate against voting for Congress, stating, “By voting for Congress, the people of Mandi will not become accomplices of sin. Congress has no leader and no policy; it can only do politics of appeasement and familyism.”

In a particularly personal attack, Ranaut targeted Vikramaditya Singh describing him as an “arrogant and spoiled prince.” She accused Singh of making anti-women statements and disrespecting the religious sentiments of the people of Himachal Pradesh. “Vikramaditya is giving anti-women statements out of arrogance, the state is well aware of Vikramaditya’s conduct,” she remarked, alleging that his mother, Pratibha Singh, had failed to teach him to respect women.

Referring to a recent comment by Singh about sanctifying temples visited by Ranaut, she retorted, “His ego is rising to his head. Vikramaditya says that the temples where Kangana is going will have to be sanctified. This is the terminology of Himachal. Dev is not the product of society but of his mind and he is unable to accept defeat at the hands of a woman.”

Ranaut asserted that she is receiving full support and blessings from the people and the deities of the region in her campaign efforts. She accused Singh of instigating religious sentiments and acting against the state’s welfare. “Vikramaditya is only working to instigate the religious sentiments of the people. He should stop becoming a contractor in the understanding of God because his conduct is against the welfare of the state,” she stated emphatically.

As the election date approaches, Ranaut’s remarks have further intensified the political battle in the Mandi Lok Sabha constituency, with both parties vying for the crucial support of the electorate.