Virbhadra Singh given responsibility of Campaign Committee, Bali responsible for Publicity
Shimla: Gearing up for the forthcoming parliamentary election, the Himachal Pradesh Congress has invited applications for four seats in the state.
Himachal Pradesh Congress President Kuldeep Singh Rathore, in his press communique, stated that the interested aspirants will have to apply before 31st January. Aspirants for Mandi, Kangra and Hamirpur parliamentary segment will have to deposit Rs. 50,000, while from Shimla reserved constituency interested aspirants will need to deposit Rs. 35000 as application fee. Aspirants will need to submit their bio-data with two passport size photographs along with application.
The Himachal Congress Election Committee will sort the applications and will recommend names to the Central Election Committee for the potential candidature, Rajneesh Kimta, General Secretary state congress revealed.
The Congress, in Modi wave, had lost all four seats in 2014 parliamentary election and now with all new team, the state congress will try to regain its lost ground in the state. After persistent opposition from veteran Congress leader Virbhadra Singh, party forced to replace Sukhvinder Singh from the top party post and replaced him with Kuldeep Singh Rathore. Rathore has recently toured Shimla and Hamirpur parliamentary constituency and tried to put a united and aggressive front to regroup and rejuvenate the party cadre before the important election.
Meanwhile the party president Rahul Gandhi has approved the proposal of proposal of Coordination, Campaign, Pradesh Election, Publicity, Media Coordination and Election Management committees.
Party has appointed Congress veteran Virbhadra Singh Chairman of Campaign Committee and party state president Kuldeep Singh will be a Chairman of Election committee. GS Bali has been given responsibility of Publicity committee, while Naresh Chauhan will oversee the the Media coordination committee in the election.