Shimla — The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has announced its candidates for the upcoming by-elections in Himachal Pradesh, ending a period of intense speculation. The party has chosen Hoshiar Singh for the Dehra assembly seat, Ashish Sharma for Hamirpur, and Krishna Lal Thakur for the Nalagarh assembly segment.

These candidates are no strangers to the political arena, having previously won their respective seats as independent candidates in the 2022 assembly elections. Their recent resignations had left these seats vacant, paving the way for the upcoming by-elections.

The announcement comes after the BJP’s challenging performance in the recent assembly by-elections, where the party faced defeat in four out of six constituencies. This setback led to considerable speculation about potential changes in the party’s candidate selection strategy. By selecting Hoshiar Singh, Ashish Sharma, and Krishna Lal Thakur, the BJP aims to leverage their established local influence and previous electoral success to strengthen its position.

The Congress party, on the other hand, has yet to announce its candidates for the by-elections. The forthcoming by-elections are being closely watched as they are expected to provide crucial insights into the current political dynamics and voter sentiments in Himachal Pradesh.