Nahan/Delhi – In a significant breakthrough, the police have apprehended a couple believed to be key members of an inter-state gang involved in a series of high-value gold ornament thefts. The successful arrests came as a result of a meticulously planned operation conducted by police, who successfully traced the gang’s activities to the bustling metropolis of Delhi.

The gang had gained notoriety for specifically targeting religious events and densely populated areas, and their most recent crime spree occurred during the Lord Shri Jagannath Yatra held on June 25 at the district headquarters of Nahan. Among their victims were several women, including Rajni Kashyap, the wife of Member of Parliament Suresh Kashyap, whose stolen ornaments were of considerable value. Fueled by outrage at the brazenness of the crimes committed against them, four women filed formal complaints with the police, triggering an intensive and determined investigation.

The police registered a case at the Sadar Nahan police station and deputed a team to investigate the incidents. The task of identifying the culprits from the vast crowds attending the Rath Yatra posed a formidable challenge, given the sheer number of devotees participating. However, through meticulous efforts, the police gathered crucial evidence that eventually led them to the bustling streets of Delhi.

Under the command of SP Sirmaur Raman Kumar Meena and DSP Headquarters Meenakshi Shah, a joint operation was carried out resulting in the arrest of the primary suspects, Sushil Kumar and his wife Mayuri, in Delhi. Both individuals are believed to hold pivotal roles within the inter-state gang responsible for the brazen gold ornament thefts. During the apprehension, police confiscated a substantial cache of evidence, including a gold chain, a mangalsutra, a bracelet, two earrings, four mobile phones, and a sum of Rs 1.20 lakh in cash. Furthermore, the vehicle utilized by the gang to facilitate their criminal activities was seized, aiding in further dismantling their operation.

As the investigation progresses, the police remain optimistic about unearthing additional information that will aid in dismantling the broader network associated with this inter-state gang.