Shimla: A man from the Nerwa tehsil of Shimla district has been accused of securing a Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) job using a fake Scheduled Caste (SC) certificate. The accused, identified as Roshan Lal, allegedly belongs to the general category but presented forged documents to claim a position reserved for the SC community.
The fraud, which dates back to 2009, was exposed after the Scheduled Caste Unemployed Association filed a complaint. According to the complaint, Roshan Lal, a resident of Chilrana village in Nerwa, used the fake certificate to secure the TGT (Arts) post and continued working for several years before the matter came to light.
On Monday, the Nerwa police registered a case under Sections 420 (cheating), 467 (forgery), 468 (forgery for the purpose of cheating), and 471 (using forged documents as genuine) of the Indian Penal Code. A detailed investigation has been initiated to uncover the extent of the fraud and the processes involved in obtaining the job.
DSP Chopal confirmed the registration of the case and stated that all aspects of the incident are being thoroughly investigated.