Shimla: The government plans to increase the subsidy on fungicides and pesticides provided to farmers and apple growers, according to Horticulture Minister Jagat Singh Negi. Negi said it during the assembly session on Tuesday in response to a question from Theog MLA Kuldeep Singh Rathore.

Minister Negi highlighted that the current subsidy on fungicides and pesticides stands at 36 percent. However, this rate has remained unchanged since 1992, particularly for the most popular products. The government is now working on revising these rates to offer greater financial relief to the agricultural community.

In addition to increasing subsidies, the Horticulture Minister emphasized the need to protect friendly insects that play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance in fields and gardens. The unbalanced use of chemical pesticides has inadvertently led to the decline of these beneficial insects, affecting the natural environment.

“We must adopt safer, mixed methods instead of relying solely on chemical pesticides. This approach will help preserve the natural environment while ensuring effective pest control,” said Negi.

For the fiscal year 2024-25, the government has allocated Rs 10 crore for subsidies on fungicides and pesticides. By the end of June, Rs 3.64 crore had already been distributed, and an additional Rs 3.23 crore is being provided for purchases made in July and August.