Shimla – As Himachal Pradesh experiences a surge in tourist numbers due to the extreme summer heat in northern India, the state has turned to innovative solutions to manage the increased traffic. In a groundbreaking move, the Police have deployed drones to monitor and improve traffic flow in Shimla and Manali, two of the state’s most popular tourist destinations.

Dr. Atul Verma, Director General of Police in Himachal Pradesh, has spearheaded this initiative in response to the extraordinary influx of tourists seeking respite in the cooler climes of the region. The state’s tourist destinations, including Shimla, Manali and Dharamshala, have seen a significant rise in visitors, leading to unprecedented traffic congestion.

Since the beginning of June, over 3,00,000 tourist vehicles have entered Himachal Pradesh from neighbouring states, creating substantial traffic management challenges. ASP Narveer Rathore highlighted that the departments are making concerted efforts to enhance the traffic system in Shimla and Manali through the strategic use of drone technology.

In Shimla, two drone cameras have been positioned to cover the city and surrounding areas. These drones are also active in monitoring the traffic during the ongoing Shimla Summer Festival, with their operation schedule divided into morning sessions from 9:30 am to 11 am and evening sessions from 4 pm to 6:30 pm.

Key areas under surveillance include Tara Devi, Asia the Down, Vijay Tunnel, Chota Shimla, Lakkad Bazar, Kufri, Charbara, and the Dhalli bypass. The implementation of a one-minute traffic halt in Tara Devi and Kufri has already shown promising results, ensuring smoother vehicle movement during peak hours. In Manali, similar drone coverage has been implemented to monitor and manage the tourist influx.

ASP Narveer Rathore remarked, “The deployment of drones has significantly enhanced our ability to monitor traffic in real-time and make necessary adjustments promptly. This initiative is crucial for ensuring a smoother travel experience for tourists and reducing congestion in critical areas.”

The drones provide a bird’s-eye view of traffic conditions, enabling authorities to identify bottlenecks and swiftly implement measures to alleviate congestion. This real-time data collection is vital for dynamic traffic management, allowing for quick responses to evolving traffic scenarios.

The proactive approach of the Himachal Pradesh government in adopting drone technology for traffic management during peak tourist seasons sets a precedent for other regions facing similar challenges. By continuously monitoring and adapting to traffic conditions, the state aims to provide a more pleasant experience for both tourists and residents.

As the summer season progresses, the ongoing drone surveillance and traffic management efforts are expected to further improve the flow of vehicles, ensuring that Himachal Pradesh remains a preferred destination for tourists seeking relief from the scorching heat.