Surge in Headaches and Nervousness Due to Forest Fire Smoke; Elderly and Children Hit Hard by Smoke from Himachal Forest Fires

The persistent forest fires in Himachal Pradesh have led to a significant increase in the number of respiratory and other patients in hospitals. The smoke from these fires is causing a surge in health issues among the local population. Solan Hospital, for instance, is now treating 15 to 20 respiratory patients daily, a sharp rise from the usual 5 to 6 patients on normal days. In some cases, patients are being brought to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Additionally, there has been a notable increase in cases of headaches and nervousness, with about 50 such cases reported daily compared to the usual 10. This influx of patients has resulted in many being admitted for treatment, particularly elderly individuals suffering from breathing difficulties. Children are also facing significant respiratory challenges. Patients are seeking help not only at regional hospitals but also at community health centers and primary health centers across the state.

In response to the deteriorating air quality, the Health Department has issued alerts in several districts, urging people to wear masks to protect themselves from the smoke. Health officials warn that if the smoke continues to spread, the number of patients is likely to increase in the coming days. The department has instructed its officials to prepare for this potential surge.

Doctors have observed an unusual trend this year: the number of respiratory patients typically decreases during the summer, but this year, it is increasing. The ongoing forest fires, burning trees, and pine leaves have significantly contributed to the smoke accumulation in the atmosphere, leading to adverse health effects. The state’s climate has become heavily polluted, with the Air Quality Index in many districts exceeding safe levels.

The Health Department has advised residents to take necessary precautions and seek medical help if they experience respiratory problems. The situation remains critical, and the department continues to monitor the air quality and health impacts closely. As the fires persist, the health crisis in Himachal Pradesh underscores the urgent need for effective measures to control the blazes and mitigate their impact on public health.