In a bid to enforce stricter adherence to building regulations, Himachal Pradesh has embarked on a significant overhaul of its electricity tariff structure. The state’s Electricity Regulatory Commission has approved measures aimed at tightening regulations surrounding building approvals.

Effective April 1, buildings lacking approved maps from local municipal bodies will face a substantial surge in electricity charges. Consumers falling under this category will be subjected to the highest slab of domestic rates, set at Rs 6.25 per unit. Moreover, they will be stripped of subsidies, including the benefit of free electricity up to 60 units per month.

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This decision, borne out of a petition by the State Electricity Board, is poised to impact thousands of building owners across Himachal Pradesh. Those who have diligently obtained map approvals will continue to enjoy electricity at lower rates, underscoring the importance of regulatory compliance in the state’s energy sector.

The regulatory shift marks a departure from previous leniency, wherein electricity connections were granted without the prerequisite of a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from municipal bodies, particularly for domestic connections under 20 kilowatts. However, with the amendment to the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Supply Code 2009, the landscape has evolved, emphasizing the necessity of proper approvals.

For building owners who have constructed properties without municipal approval, the ramifications are significant. While they were accommodated as domestic consumers in the past, they now face the prospect of escalated utility costs without the cushion of subsidies.

This move aligns with the government’s broader agenda of promoting regulatory compliance and streamlining electricity distribution mechanisms. By incentivizing map approvals through lower electricity tariffs, authorities aim to foster a culture of adherence to building regulations and municipal norms.

As the new rates come into effect, stakeholders must adapt to the evolving regulatory landscape, reevaluating their approach to construction and property management. Compliance with building approval processes is no longer just a matter of regulatory adherence but a crucial determinant of electricity affordability in Himachal Pradesh.