Himachal Pradesh to Engage Tutors for Pre-Primary Education in Over 6,000 Schools

Shimla – In a significant move to bolster early childhood education, Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu announced today that the Himachal Pradesh Government is set to launch the ‘Himachal Pradesh Early Childhood Care and Education Tutor Scheme’. This initiative aims at the overall growth and development of children aged 3-6 years.

Currently, the State Government runs 6,297 pre-primary sections in primary schools, serving approximately 60,000 children. Additionally, 2,377 anganwadi centers are co-located with these primary schools.

“In alignment with the National Education Policy, 2020, which advocates for comprehensive Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), the Education Department will implement a combination of all four ECCE models,” stated the Chief Minister. “These models include standalone anganwadis, anganwadis co-located with primary schools, pre-primary schools covering ages 5 to 6 years co-located with existing primary schools, and standalone pre-primary schools,” he added.

To ensure the success of this initiative, the State Government plans to engage ECCE tutors for all 6,297 schools, strictly adhering to NCTE norms. “This initiative underscores the State Government’s commitment to providing quality early childhood education and nurturing young minds in Himachal,” emphasized the Chief Minister.

Furthermore, the Chief Minister reiterated the government’s commitment to enhancing educational accessibility by providing quality education closer to students’ homes. He highlighted ongoing efforts to introduce innovative schemes in the education sector, including the upcoming recruitment of various categories of teachers. “The recruitment process will commence soon to avoid any disruption in studies due to a shortage of teachers in schools,” he assured.