In a significant move aimed at enhancing safety standards for trekkers and preserving the pristine natural beauty of Himachal Pradesh’s Kinnaur district, the local administration has made forest department approval mandatory for all trekking activities.

Deputy Commissioner Kinnaur, Dr. Amit Kumar Sharma, announced the new regulations, emphasizing the paramount importance of ensuring the safety of trekking enthusiasts exploring the rugged terrain of the region. Under the revised guidelines, trekking teams must obtain explicit approval from the forest department before embarking on any trekking expedition.

Dr. Sharma reiterated the administration’s commitment to responsible tourism, urging trekking businesses and enthusiasts to prioritize environmental conservation and waste management. Addressing stakeholders at a meeting with the Tracker Committee associated with the tourism industry, he solicited suggestions for promoting tourism while minimizing its ecological footprint.

The decision to enforce forest department approval for trekking activities underscores the administration’s proactive approach towards ensuring the safety and well-being of trekkers, particularly in the tribal areas of Kinnaur district. By requiring trekking teams to seek approval beforehand, authorities aim to facilitate swift response and assistance in case of emergencies or unforeseen incidents during treks.

Additionally, the implementation of GPS tracker systems has been mandated to enhance the safety and security of trekkers, enabling authorities to monitor their whereabouts and coordinate rescue operations more effectively.

Dr. Sharma outlined stringent criteria for trekking and mountaineering expeditions, emphasizing the importance of adhering to approved routes and ensuring compliance with safety protocols. Operators conducting trekking activities in forested areas are required to obtain permission from the Forest Department, further emphasizing the administration’s commitment to environmental preservation and sustainable tourism practices.

The Tourism Department will provide trekkers with a comprehensive list of approved routes and mountain peaks, categorized based on difficulty levels, to facilitate informed decision-making and ensure a memorable yet safe trekking experience.

To uphold accountability and transparency, operators are mandated to submit detailed lists of trackers, certified guides, and instructors to local police stations both before and after commencing trekking activities.