Shimla – In a significant move, the Himachal Pradesh government has decided that the annual increment for teachers will now be based on the performance of their students in board and non-board examinations. Teachers who achieve better results will be eligible for increments, while those with consistently poor outcomes may face financial penalties.

According to the education department, teachers who produce zero or less than 25-30% success rates in examinations will not receive an increment. If the poor performance continues, teachers could lose their increment altogether. The department has already prepared a proposal outlining this approach, which has been sent to the government for approval.

The department has already withheld the increments of 20 to 25 teachers this year due to their poor results in board exams. Increment scales will now be directly tied to exam success, with full increments awarded to teachers achieving 100% pass rates. Teachers whose students achieve between 90% and 50% success will receive proportional increments.

Additionally, the education department will evaluate teachers’ performance after every examination cycle. For students in classes 1 to 8, the results from Summative Assessment (SA) and Formative Assessment (FA) will be used to assess teachers. Similarly, the results from board and non-board exams for classes 9 to 12 will also be evaluated, with detailed reports prepared to monitor performance.

The government aims to improve education standards and ensure greater accountability with this new system. Teachers are expected to focus more on delivering quality education and enhancing student outcomes across the state.