Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Medical Officer Association (HMOA) has resented the government decision of not increasing GDO quota from 66.5% to 80%, as demanded by them.
In a press communiqué, HMOA stated that as per the norm, out of 66.5 percent, ratio of filling the seats will be 3:1 from regular and Contract/ RKS Medical Officers. Out of 144 postgraduate seats in both Medical Colleges only 25 seats (in Medicine, Surgery, Obs. & Gyne, Anesthesia, Pediatrics and Ortho) are available for regular/RKS/ contractual medical officers. They added that after three years only 25 Specialists will be available to the public of Himachal Pradesh and more than 25 Specialist are going to be retired in coming three years. HMOA said that the Govt health services in the state will be hit hard and thus patients will have to run to the private hospital or will have to go outside the Himachal Pradesh for treatment. HMOA commented
It seems from the decision of the Govt. that they are ignoring the interest of regular Medical Officers which creates frustration among the serving Medical Officers who are providing the Health services to the rural and far flung area of Himachal Pradesh. The Govt. has a biased attitude for the regular Medical Officers, the Rural Health allowance given to regular Medical Officers is Rs.150 whether he is specialist or MBBS where as the Medical officer who is posted at the same place as Specialist/MBBS on RKS /Contract will be paid Rs.25000/15000
HP Medical Officers detailed that after completion of post graduation the GDO’s have to serve for two years in peripheral hospital to be eligible for the post of Registrar where as the direct candidates are eligible without doing peripheral service for the post of Registrar. Previous Govt. had increase the retirement age of teachers in both the Medical College from 58 to 62 years and caused stagnation in promotional avenues to the young Medical officers. This caused a massive brain drain to the State of Himachal Pradesh because after completing post graduation they join the Private Medical College or in other state Medical college, HMOA concerned.

HMOA’s had also requested the Chief Minister not to grant extension to the Medical Officer, who are working as Chief Medical Officer or those who are on administrative post. Association has advised Govt to give re-employment to the Medical Officer as Specialist or as Medical Office after retirement in public interest. HMOA request the Govt that regular DPC should be held to the post of Jt DHS, CMO’s/Dy Directors and BMO’s as most of posts are lying vacant for last one year or getting vacant due to the retirement of Chief Medical Officers and which is causing stagnation in the cadre. HMOA requests govt. that criteria for the seniority should be based on public service commission.