The Himachal Pradesh government has announced plans to upgrade the Dhalli-Narkanda road into a four-lane highway, including the construction of tunnels to address persistent traffic congestion. Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu stated that the project aims to ease travel for commuters and tourists while also improving regional connectivity. The government also plans to strengthen the Mashobra-Bhekalti road to provide alternative routes and reduce pressure on existing infrastructure.
Daily traffic jams on the Dhalli-Kufri-Theog road have become a major issue, causing hours-long delays for commuters and local residents. The narrow road struggles to accommodate the increasing volume of vehicles, especially during tourist seasons. Emergency services and essential transportation are often hindered, exacerbating the inconvenience.
Residents and commuters have expressed frustration over the frequent gridlock. “Traveling this road has become unbearable. The traffic is relentless, and delays are now part of daily life,” said a resident of Theog.
The proposed four-lane highway with tunnels is expected to provide a long-term solution to the traffic woes. Tunnels will not only reduce travel time but also minimize environmental impact, a significant concern in the ecologically sensitive region. Strengthening the Mashobra-Bhekalti road will offer an additional route, easing congestion on the Dhalli-Kufri-Theog stretch.
While the four-lane project promises significant improvements, experts emphasize the need for immediate measures to manage traffic. Improved traffic management, designated parking zones, and restrictions on heavy vehicles during peak hours could help mitigate the current situation until the project is completed.
The Dhalli-Narkanda road serves as a key link to popular tourist destinations such as Kufri and Narkanda. Its upgrade is expected to boost tourism, improve commuter convenience, and support the region’s economy. However, the project’s success will depend on timely execution, environmental clearances, and minimizing disruptions during construction.