Shimla: The Himachal Pradesh Forest Department is set to introduce a licensing system for chain woodcutters, similar to gun licenses, to curb illegal deforestation. This decision aims to regulate the use of these machines, which have been widely employed for cutting wood, including unauthorized felling of trees in forests.

The licenses will be issued based on the horsepower of the chain wood cutter, with smaller machines potentially exempt from this requirement. The move comes in response to the rapid and large-scale destruction of forest resources facilitated by powerful chain woodcutters, which can fall trees in minutes.

The department is formulating detailed rules for implementing this new system. Penalties, including fines and confiscation of machines, are expected for those found using chain wood cutters without a valid license.

To prepare for the rollout, the Forest Department has launched a campaign to estimate the number of chain wood cutters in use across the state. Panchayats have been instructed to notify individuals using these machines to report to the concerned Divisional Forest Officer (DFO).

The new regulation is seen as an important step toward protecting the state’s forest wealth and ensuring sustainable woodcutting practices. The Forest Department plans to implement the licensing system after finalizing the necessary guidelines.