State Government spokesperson said that the National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (Rashtriya Krishi Bima Yojna) would be implemented during the Kharif season, 2013. He said that Maize, Paddy, Potato and Ginger crops on pilot basis would be covered under the scheme with indemnity level at 80 percent of the average yield (threshold yield).
He said that the scheme would be on compulsory basis to the loanee farmers availing Seasonal Agricultural operation (SAO) loans from the Commercial Banks, Co-operative Banks, Regional Rural Banks and Primary Agricultural Co-operatives for the insured crops within the stipulated period besides the scheme for non-loanee farmers was optional. The Agriculture Insurance company of India would be the implementing agency for this scheme as decided by the Government of India.
He said that in case of loanee farmers, sum insured would be at least equal to the amount of loan advanced and where the amount of crop loan availed comes out to be more than either the value of threshold yield or 150 percent of average yield, normal premium rates would be applicable on the full amount of the loan availed, as the full amount of loan was to be compulsorily ensured.
He said that the small and marginal farmers were eligible for 50 percent Government subsidy on the total premium to enhance the subsidy on premium of the insurable crops as decided by the State Government. The small and marginal farmers would require paying only 50 percent of the total premium payable.
He said that Natural Fire, Lightning, Storm, Hailstorm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado, Drought, Dry spells, Pets/Diseases etc. would be covered under the National Agricultural Insurance Scheme. The claims would be settled only on the basis of yield data furnished by the State Government.
The cut of date for accepting the crop insurance proposals from non loanee farmers is 31st July, 2013 and 13 September,2013, for loanee farmers.