Shimla – The Co-operative Bank Headquarters in Shimla has handed over the investigation of the multi-crore rupee scam at the Nohradhar branch in the Sirmaur district to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). This decision is expected to lead to strict actions against any employees found involved in fraudulent activities.

In the wake of the scandal, the bank’s management has already suspended seven employees directly linked to the case. Additionally, show-cause notices have been issued to ten other employees as part of departmental action. To ensure a thorough investigation, several employees from the implicated branch have been transferred to different locations. The management has also issued immediate orders for a detailed departmental investigation to collect further information on the matter.

Shravan Manta, the Managing Director of the Co-operative Bank, has condemned the fraudulent activities, stating, “Bank employees are the backbone of the institution, and committing this type of fraud is a heinous betrayal of the bank and its customers.” He reassured that the bank has taken serious note of the incident and is conducting a comprehensive investigation. Manta further emphasized that any employee found guilty of this scam will face severe consequences.

The CBI investigation into the fraud at the Nauhradhar branch is expected to uncover the full extent of the scam and bring those responsible to justice. However, this development also raises concerns that the fraud may be more extensive than initially anticipated, with the possibility that similar irregularities could exist in other branches as well.