Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, his Cabinet ministers, and Congress MLAs have collectively decided to waive their electricity subsidies to promote financial responsibility and address the challenges faced by the state’s electricity department. The Chief Minister submitted the required forms to Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board (HPSEB) Chairman, Sanjay Gupta, and urged affluent citizens to follow suit.
Addressing the media, CM Sukhu emphasized the importance of targeted subsidies, stating that financial support should be reserved for the needy. “Affluent citizens with multiple electricity meters should voluntarily relinquish their subsidies to contribute towards the development of the state,” he said. He encouraged the public to opt out of subsidies through the HPSEB’s online portal, helpline numbers 1100 or 1912, or by visiting the nearest electricity sub-division.
The decision comes amid growing concerns about the electricity department’s financial health. The state government spends ₹2,200 crore annually on electricity subsidies and ₹200 crore monthly on the salaries and pensions of HPSEB employees. Despite these expenditures, the department is burdened with mounting debt due to subsidy-heavy policies, rising operational costs, and delays in tariff revisions.
Financial Struggles of the Electricity Department
The Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board is grappling with a significant financial crisis, which has hampered its ability to invest in infrastructure improvements and maintain reliable power supplies. Officials have noted that the board’s financial woes stem from years of unsustainable subsidy policies and inefficiencies in revenue collection.
The Chief Minister’s initiative is seen as a step towards alleviating some of this financial pressure. By encouraging wealthier citizens to voluntarily waive subsidies, the government aims to redirect funds towards critical infrastructure upgrades and rural electrification.
Cabinet members and Congress MLAs unanimously supported the Chief Minister’s decision after extensive discussions. The move aligns with broader efforts by the state government to streamline subsidies and promote equitable financial practices.
The Chief Minister appealed to well-off individuals to set an example by opting out of subsidies. “This is a collective responsibility. Together, we can ensure that resources are utilized effectively to benefit those who truly need them,” he said.
As Himachal Pradesh continues to grapple with fiscal challenges, the government’s focus remains on fostering financial discipline and ensuring sustainable development.