Bee keeping in the State is important not only for the growth of honey production but also for the biological and economic role played by honeybees. State is one of the biggest producers of fruits in the country with nearly 2.5 lakh hectares of land under fruit cultivation. Keeping in mind the productivity of fruits in the State, the process of pollination by bees becomes very important.
The State Government has started Mukhya Mantri Madhu Vikas Yojna’ to encourage beekeeping. Under this scheme, assistance will be provided to the bonafide Himachali farmers, especially women and physically challenged farmers of all sections of the State. The scheme emphasized on developing small apiaries, popularization of honey and other bee products in the State.
Under the scheme, assistance for beekeeper will be provided for the bee keeping of bee colonies with a maximum of 50 colonies. Under this scheme, the beekeeper will be given 80 percent cost amount i.e. Rs. 1600 per bee colony to the 50 bee colonies per beneficiary for the cost of Rs. 2000 bee colony. For bee hives, 50 Bee hives per beneficiary will be provided with assistance of 80 percent cost amount i.e. Rs. 1600 per bee hive at the cost of Rs. 2000 per bee hive on bee hives made by Kail, Pine, Mango and other woods of specified standard (BIS).
Under this scheme, a set per beneficiary will be provided with assistance of 80 percent of the cost amount i.e. Rs. 16000 per unit on the cost of beekeeping material and equipment at a cost of Rs. 20000 per unit. In each district, a bee breeder of 300 bee colonies will be given an amount of Rs. 3 lakh per bee breeder. In the form of a transport subsidy, for the Inter-State migration, assistance of 50 percent of cost amount i.e. Rs. 5000 will be given to 100 beekeepers per beneficiary per visit per year.
As incentive to the beekeepers rearing Apis cerana bee colonies in wall hives/bees hives and bee houses, 100% assistance will be provided for the cost of maximum 5 wall hives i.e. amount of Rs. 1000 per bee hive. A five day training camp will be organized every year for 25 novice beekeepers, under which a sum of Rs. 400 will be provided per beekeeper per day. A seven day training camp will be organized in field/ apiaries for 20 commercial beekeepers, under which a sum of Rs.1000 will be provided per beekeeper per day.
In addition, for 20 beekeepers, a 15-day tour will be organized in renowned institutions of the country and abroad, under which a sum of Rs. 7000 per beekeeper will be provided. To establish a honey processing unit, 100% of the cost of the project i.e. Rs. 50 lakh per unit will be provided. for the plantation of bee flora in two bigha land, 50% of the cost i.e. maximum amount of Rs. 3500 per beekeeper will be provided.
In addition, under the Horticulture Mission, there is a provision of providing 50 percent subsidy on the production of bee colonies to the beekeepers in which Rs. 5 lakh (maximum 2000 bee colonies per year) will be provided. 50 percent subsidy for the bee colonies in which Rs. 700 per beekeeper (maximum 50 bee colonies per beekeeper) will be provided. For bee hive, 50 percent subsidy in which Rs. 800 per bee hive (maximum 50 bee colonies per beekeeper) will be given. For Honey Extractor, Food grade container etc., 50% subsidy will be given in which Rs. 7000 per set will be provided.