Tag: himachal education

Vocational education network being strengthened in the State

State Government is strengthening the vocational education network in the State with a view to provide quality job oriented education to the youth at...

PTAs will have no role in deciding school fees

Stiff opposition from the managements of private schools has forced the government to keep parent- teacher associations (PTAs) out of the matters relating to...

School in Chamba has just one teacher for 150 students

Government middle school in Toor under the Brehi gram panchayat of Chamba district is being run by a single teacher. Surprisingly over 150 students are...

Government looking into demands of Headmasters Association

A Spokesman of the State Government said that the Government was seized of the matter regarding the demands of the Head Masters Association regarding...

PTA Teachers demand for tangible policy and better salary

As assembly elections are approaching, the Himachal Pradesh PTA Teachers Association is gearing up to enforce their rights from the government. As there are...

Teachers’ Promotion Rules to be applicable prospectively

Trained Graduate Teachers with Master’s Degree working in different educational institutions of the State prior to August 19, 2011 will be governed as per...

HPBSE ban private students from taking part in Class X board...

The Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBSE) has decided to quash the system of allowing private students to appear in the board examinations...

Cabinet approves Contract teachers Salary for leave period

Cabinet decided to increase the honorarium of part time water carriers in the education department from Rs 1000 to Rs. 1200 per month from...

Himachal schools to overhaul its teaching language to english

English has become a necessity in today’s fast paced world. But somehow children who are deprived of this language like in a government school...