We greatly value your privacy. If you have any questions, or need further information, please feel free to contact us at editor @ thenewshimachal.com. Privacy policy for thenewshimachal.com outlines the type of private information that is received and collected, and the way it is used.
Log Files:
Like most websites out there, thenewshimachal.com does make use of log files. This information includes Internet Protocol (IP) address, Internet Service Provider (ISP) name, date and time stamp, referring page, number of clicks, exit pages. This information is used to administer the site, track user movement inside the site, and to obtain demographic information. This information is not related or linked in a way that can be personally identifiable.
A cookie is a small data text file that lets thenewshimachal.com identify visitors. The cookie can store information on the users customization of a web page or the information visitors send to the site via their browsers.
Third Party Cookies and ad servers:
We make use of third party content on the website. Some of our advertising and affiliated web partners may use cookies and web beacons on the site. We may embed text/image hyperlinks and widgets linking to our affiliated partners and advertisers. We may be compensated for clicks, views or purchases made through these hyperlinks.
Additionally, these third party websites may make use of other technologies (for example: cookies, javascript or web beacons) to measure the effectiveness of the advertisement or for the customization of content.
We have no control or access to the cookies or information that may be collected by these third party application or advertisers. We suggest that you look into the privacy policy of these third party ad-servers or networks for details on the information they collect, and how they use it.
You can disable cookies by making use of individual browser options and settings to control your preferences.