Bilaspur: A heartbreaking case of a newborn baby girl found abandoned in Bilaspur district early Saturday morning. The infant was found wrapped in a cloth near Chadhau on the Shimla-Mandi road via Malokhar, under the jurisdiction of the Barmana police station.

The baby was discovered early Saturday morning by locals who heard her cries and alerted the police. A police team arrived at the spot, took the newborn into custody, and recorded statements from witnesses. The baby was then taken to the regional hospital for medical care, where doctors have confirmed her safety. She will remain under medical supervision for 48 hours before being handed over to the police.

Preliminary investigations suggest the baby was abandoned after 4 a.m. on Saturday. To identify the mother, police are reviewing CCTV footage from cameras installed at Malokhar Chowk and gathering information on recent births in the area. Asha and Anganwadi workers have been asked to provide details about pregnant women and recent deliveries to aid the investigation.

DSP Bilaspur Madan Dhiman said, “A newborn girl has been found in Chadhau and is currently under treatment at the regional hospital. We are analyzing CCTV footage and gathering data on recent childbirths to identify the mother. The police are committed to resolving this case swiftly.”

The Women and Child Welfare Development Department has been informed, ensuring the child’s safety and future care.