Shimla – In a move aimed at enhancing guest experiences and streamlining payment processes, the Public Works Department (PWD) of Himachal Pradesh has initiated to modernization drive for its rest houses and circuit houses. PWD Secretary Dr. Abhishek Jain announced today the introduction of digital receipts and cashless transactions, aimed at simplifying the payment process for guests.

Dr. Abhishek Jain highlighted the department’s commitment to improving convenience and efficiency for guests staying at PWD rest houses and circuit houses. Starting July 1, 2024, guests will receive digital rent receipts, making reimbursement easier and ensuring transparent revenue management from rent payments.

“As part of our digital transformation initiative, we are promoting cashless payment facilities,” Dr. Jain explained. “Guests now have the option to settle their bills using QR codes and other digital methods, eliminating the need for cash transactions.” This initiative not only enhances convenience but also aligns with broader efforts to modernize operations within the department.

Furthermore, Dr. Jain outlined ongoing efforts to enhance guest services, including plans to introduce an online payment facility. “Our goal is to provide a seamless experience for guests visiting Himachal Pradesh,” he affirmed. “These upgrades aim to meet the evolving needs of our guests while ensuring they have access to modern amenities.”

This initiative not only enhances convenience but also aligns with broader efforts to modernize operations within the department, aiming to provide a seamless experience for all guests. With PWD guest houses spread across picturesque locations throughout the state, the introduction of digital receipts and cashless transactions is poised to significantly improve the stay experience for both state guests and tourists alike, ensuring efficient and transparent management of these essential facilities.