In a landmark decision, Kareri Panchayat, in the Shahpur assembly constituency of Kangra district, Himachal Pradesh, has enforced a comprehensive ban on the sale and consumption of liquor. The decision was reached during a joint meeting chaired by Panchayat members, along with the active participation and support of the Youth Club of Kareri.

The unanimous resolution decrees that anyone found selling liquor within the boundaries of Kareri Panchayat will incur a substantial fine of Rs 10,000. Similarly, individuals caught consuming alcohol will be subject to a fine of Rs 5,000. Additionally, a Rs 5,000 fine will be levied against those engaging in abusive behaviour.

Panchayat members highlighted the urgency of the decision, pointing out the adverse impact of rampant liquor sales on the village’s environment and its repercussions on the younger generation. Members stressed that this proactive move was crucial to curb these issues and ensure the overall well-being of the community.

The decision, having received overwhelming support during the Gram Sabha, is now binding for all residents within the jurisdiction of Kareri Panchayat. Sushma Devi expressed gratitude for the collaborative efforts of the Youth Club Kareri, emphasizing the joint commitment to fostering a healthier and safer living environment.