Tag: shimla apple prices
Chetan Bragta Criticizes Congress for Failing to Protect Apple Growers
Shimla - Apple growers in Himachal Pradesh are expressing growing frustration and disappointment as they face a record fall in apple prices. BJP state...
Govt committed to safeguard interests of apple growers: Minister claims
Shimla: Urban Development Minister Suresh Bhardwaj has claimed that the state government is committed to safeguarding the interest of apple growers of the state....
जिला शिमला में सभी सेब नियंत्रण कक्ष क्रियाशील: उपायुक्त
शिमला: उपायुक्त शिमला दिनेश मल्होत्रा ने आज यहां बताया कि इस वर्ष जिला शिमला में सेब की 2.30 करोड पेटियां उत्पादन होने का अनुमान...